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Information about the properties of Galena is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical properties of stones and how to use them.

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What is Galena?

Galena, also called lead glance, is the natural mineral form of lead sulfide and an important source of silver. Galena crystallizes in the cubic crystal system often showing octahedral forms and is often associated with the minerals Sphalerite, Calcite and Fluorite.

Galena Metaphysical Properties

Galena is known as an Earth stone and as such has strong grounding properties that can balance your life in all aspects and on all levels - harmonizing your physical, etheric and spiritual planes. Other properties include the following:

  • an excellent grounding stone
  • gives you strength, courage and the ability to face difficult times
  • provides the strength to regain any personal power that you may have given away to others
  • anchors and centers you
  • provides you with extra strength on personal spiritual journeys
  • sometimes used in past life regression therapy as a guide to inner vision
  • helps you to face and overcome your deepest fears
  • augments holistic healing
  • excellent aid for doctors, homeopaths and herbalists
  • encourages deeper investigation and experimental trials
  • opens up your mind to new ideas and possibilities
  • dissolves self-limiting assumptions from the past
  • reduces inflammation
  • assists in protecting against and countering the ill effects of radiation, electromagnetic pollution, and long hours in front of the computer
  • really helpful if you’re trying to recover from an addiction and detoxifying
  • eases joint pain

Buy Galena Stones

Information about the Metaphysical Properties of Stones