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Information about the properties of Moldavite is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical properties of crystals and how to use them. 

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Moldavite is a form of Tektite which is natural glass that is formed from terrestrial debris ejected during extraterrestrial impacts. It is thought to be approximately 15 million years old and is only found in several sites in Czechoslovakia, and only a few in Austria.

Moldavite Properties

Moldavite is considered to be one of the stones of the New Age that is here to help in earth’s healing and transition.  Moldavite can also significantly enhance the energy and effect of other stones and crystals and should be used wisely and with care. If you hold a piece of Moldavite up to light and gaze at it, you can actually shift your consciousness. Its properties include:

  • brings you into communication with your Higher Self
  • accelerates spiritual growth
  • its extremely high vibration opens, clears and aligns all of your Chakras
  • resonates with your Crown Chakra and helps you to perceive the highest spiritual guidance
  • can show future potentials and opportunities
  • also helps you to see what your current actions could possibly cause in the future
  • helps you to see what you can change about yourself and gives you the strength and support to do so
  • helps you to “see” beyond your current boundaries and limits
  • helps you to detach from worries about things like money and the future
  • teaches you empathy and compassion
  • helps you to find unexpected solutions
  • awakens latent memories and helps you access spiritual information in an intellectual manner
  • helps you let go of fixed ideas and rigid patterns or old beliefs that no longer serve in your best interest
  • can neutralize hypnotic commands
  • useful for people who are sensitive, particularly to suffering and strong emotions, especially Indigo, Rainbow and Star children
  • helps you to see the cause and source of dis-ease

Note:  Moldavite can be overpowering so it can be a good idea to use another stone for grounding at the same time such as Hematite, Smokey Quartz or a pair of Boji Stones, as well as Clear Quartz to stabilize you, either before, during or after using Moldavite.

Note:  Do not clean Moldavite with salt as it can scratch the surface.

Buy Moldavite Stones

Information about the Metaphysical Properties of Crystals

Information about Chakras