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Information about Seraphinite properties is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical properties of stones and how to use their energy. 

seraphinite.436.jpgSeraphinite for Sale

Seraphinite is a type of Cliniochlore, a magnesium iron aluminum silicate mineral that is part of the Chlorite group of minerals. It’s a rather rare stone, as Seraphinite is only found in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia, Russia. Russian mineralogist Nikolay Koksharov (1818-1892) is credited with its discovery in the Korshunovskoye iron skarn deposit in the Irkutskaya Oblast of Eastern Siberia.

Seraphinite, also known as “Silver Plume” Seraphinite, got its name because its beautiful dark green to gray color is enhanced by a silvery feathery shimmer caused by mica inclusions. Its name is derived from the Greek word “seraphim” which is an angelic being belonging to the very highest order of the nine fold celestial hierarchy and associated with light, ardor and purity. This unique chatoyancy of Seraphinite displays as shorter down-like feathery growths leading into longer "flight" feathers.

Metaphysical Properties of Seraphinite

Seraphinite is a powerful stone of spiritual enlightenment and self-healing. It’s also an important stone for those working on the ascension process as it helps you achieve a high spiritual vibration.

Additional properties include:

  • stimulates your Crown Chakra, opening you to loving Divine energy and light 
  • particularly attuned to your Heart Chakra
  • helps you to live from your heart, infusing your aura with vibrations of wholeness and well-being
  • excellent for meditation, especially when placed on your Third Eye Chakra
  • helps you to discover your place in life especially if you feel that you lack purpose
  • helps you to review your progress in life and identify changes that would be helpful to put you on the path to peace and fulfillment
  • helps you to release old behaviours and thinking that no longer work in your best interests
  • helps you to feel joyful and able to cope with the pressures of life in a balanced, harmonious way
  • enhances social skills and helps you to have better relationships
  • helps you to resolve and reconcile conflicts with constructive compromises
  • brings all of your etheric bodies into alignment, clearing any energy blockages
  • stimulates the rise and flow of Kundalini energy, clearing and activating each Chakra
  • can release muscle tension up into your neck

Seraphinite for Sale

Information about the Metaphysical Properties of Stones

Information about Chakras